Litany for Motherhood For growth in the virtues of patience and gentleness. Mary, Mother of God. guide me For the peace of Christ to control my heart. For humility to ask for help... To love without counting the costs.. To practice self control in healthy ways instead of anger or bitterness.. To find joy in both the big and little moments.. To live holy in the present moment. From the desire of perfectionism in myself and my children. deliver me Jesus From comparison of my journey as a mother.. From the lie that I am not worthy... From discouragement in my vocation... From anxiety and giving into insecurities.. From wanting control. That You are with me in my vocation as a mother... Jesus. I trust in You That I am content with what You provide my family. That I am able to put my children's needs before my own. That each day I find a grateful heart.. That I give cheerfully to my children... That I can surrender my vocation over to You. amen.